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Personal Data

Our website, strictly applying the principles of personal data protection provided by International and European law that regulates matters related to e-commerce (Directive 2000/31/EC, PD 131/2003) as well as by the Consumer Protection Law (Law 2251/1994) that regulates matters related to distance sales and the relevant provisions of Greek law (Law 2472/1997) for the protection of the individual and the protection of personal data as supplemented by the decisions of the President of the Personal Data Protection Commission, PD 207/1998, 79/2000, article 8 of Law 2819/2000 and European law with directives 95/46/EC and 97/66/EC, explicitly states that it will not engage in any unfair use of your personal data and in no way will it disclose, publish, sell, rent, or exchange your personal data and the information you submit to any third party. Your personal data, upon your request, are permanently deleted and are not provided in any way to anyone. By submitting material to our server, you agree that the material does not contain any untrue, illegal, or in any way inappropriate elements for use and publication.

Purpose of data processing

To conduct any transaction through the online store and to execute an order of the company's products, the disclosure of certain personal data by the customer will be requested.
What data is collected in the online store?
During the order process, identification and contact data will be requested as follows:
  • Full name
  • Billing address of the order (if different from the shipping address)
  • Shipping address of the order
  • Contact phone number (mobile and/or landline)
  • Email address (optional for guest customers / mandatory for customers with an account in the online store)

  • The company processes the customers' data in compliance with article 7A par. 1 (b) of Law 2472/1997, for the purpose of executing the order given by each customer and in no way will they be disclosed, published, or sold to third parties, unless the process defined by the legislation for lifting the confidentiality (Law 2225/1994) or any obligations arising from the national implementation of Directive 24/2006 is initiated.

    Recipients of personal data

    A) Authorized employees of the online store who are responsible for executing & billing the customer's order as well as for fulfilling all kinds of obligations arising from the contract between the customer and the online store.
    B) The online store collaborates with payment & transportation service providers (e.g., banks, money transfer services like Paypal, transport and courier companies, etc.) necessary for conducting the business activity and/or securing the data and/or serving the users of the online store.

    Electronic payment service providers have access to the customer's order personal data, if necessary for their services operation.
    Providers are obliged to use personal data in accordance with this personal data protection statement and the laws of personal data protection of Greek legislation.
    The credit card details used by customers are NOT STORED in the electronic platform of the online store,
    The online store collaborates with companies providing courier services for the distribution and delivery of electronic orders to its customers.
    Courier service providers have access to the customer's order personal data, if necessary for their services operation.
    Courier service providers are obliged to use personal data in accordance with this personal data protection statement and the laws of personal data protection of Greek legislation.
    The online store uses the customer's information sent during the electronic order process, for its staff to communicate with him regarding:
  • The delivery of the order to the shipping address
  • For confirmation and identification of the customer
  • For processing/deleting the electronic order due to product shortages
  • For information about new products
  • For information about special offers of
  • For receiving gifts after a contest drawing.

  • You have the option to choose whether or not you want to receive such communications from the online store by sending your request via email to the email address.
    The provision of personal data by the customer means that he consents to this data being used by the staff of the online store for the reasons mentioned above.
    The online store requires its employees and the technical staff of the website to provide the level of security referred to in this Personal Data Protection Statement to its users-customers.
    In no other case can the online store share your personal data with others without the prior consent of the customer unless this is required through the legal route.
    Please note that under certain conditions permitted or imposed by law or based on a court decision, the collection, use, and disclosure of your personal data collected online without your prior consent, such as for example in case of a judicial authority request, is allowed.
    The personal data declared by the customer in the online store is used exclusively by it or businesses collaborating with it, with the purpose of supporting, promoting, and executing the transaction relationship.
    The COMPANY retains the data of electronic orders for tax purposes according to the current tax law. Customer details are recorded in the information system according to the current legislation including provisions regarding data security and confidentiality and the principle of lawful processing.
    The data kept in the file may be communicated to the competent judicial, police, and other administrative authorities upon their lawful request and in accordance with the applicable legal provisions.
    The customer, within the framework of the telecommunications secrecy legislation, has the rights of information and objection provided by articles 11 to 13 of Law 2472/1997.
    With this document, you expressly consent to the collection and processing of the above personal data, without which we cannot offer our services to you, while you can revoke or modify it at any time (article 2 per. ia of Law 2472/1997 and Article 7 of Regulation 679/2016). We reserve the right to change the terms of personal data protection without notice, in accordance with the current regulatory framework.
    The online store retains personal data as long as the customer is active, in case of inactivity and non-transaction with our store, they are retained for a period of five (5) years, and clearance will take place every January regardless of the date of collection of the customer's personal data. will not disclose a customer's email address or other personal data for advertising or other promotion and/or communication purposes, only with the explicit consent of the customer in accordance with the conditions set by the GDPR.
    We inform you that in order to collect and analyze your opinion with objective criteria, to offer you better services and personalized communications/proposals regarding products that suit you, we collaborate with
  • Google for personalized and repetitive marketing (remarketing)
  • Facebook for personalized and repetitive marketing (remarketing)

  • declares that during the period of keeping the aforementioned data/personal data and our electronic communication, it uses them lawfully, taking the necessary security measures and maintaining their confidentiality. Specifically, we take all suitable and appropriate organizational and technical measures for data security and protection from accidental or unlawful destruction, accidental loss, alteration, prohibited dissemination or access, and any other form of unlawful processing, such as access grading to personal data, security of premises that keep physical file of personal data, destruction of all documents containing personal data so as not to be possible to extract any information, while the network is protected by Firewall and NAT, data encryption, while there is also controlled access of each user with different Username – Password and SSL/TLS certificate of LetsEncrypt.
    However, does not guarantee the security of data transmitted over networks to the extent that this protection is not achieved by taking suitable security measures imposed by legislation and is not responsible for any direct, indirect, positive, negative, material or not, damage that may have been suffered by the user from accessing the internet.
    Whenever you choose, either through the process of electronic order or through the process of telephone order to inform us of your email address and/or your mobile phone number, or any other personal data of yours, you simultaneously choose the granting and keeping of your personal data by us. We would like you to know that will never use your personal data for purposes other than those mentioned in this text. Your personal data is absolutely sacred to and we wish to operate exclusively for your benefit and with respect to your individuality and freedom of choice.
    Every user has the right to submit a request for access, correction, or deletion of their personal data or restriction of processing concerning the data subject as well as the right to object to processing and to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority (according to the definitions of articles 13 to 20 of Regulation 679/2016 GDPR).
    Every user can also request the portability (according to the possibility given by Regulation 2016/679 GDPR) of their personal data. For any exercise of your rights, you can contact the Data Processing Manager, designated below.
    Every user also has the right to withdraw their consent at any time by sending an email to the Personal Data Processing Manager (Article 2 per. ia of Law 2472/1997 and Article 7 of Regulation 679/2016 GDPR).

    For any disputes that may arise between customers or between customers and third parties due to messages, data, information, or materials that are circulated through, the latter declares that any lifting of the telecommunications secrecy of the customer is allowed only if and to the extent that is called to fulfill its obligation according to the existing legislation.
    It is expressly agreed that the above terms are governed by Greek Law, the decisions of the constituted state organs that are valid on electronic communications transactions as well as the relevant provisions in force. It is expressly agreed that any disputes that may arise from the application of these terms and the general use of our store, if not resolved amicably, are subject to the jurisdiction of the Courts of Athens.

    Automatically Recorded Information

    The web server of, based on its construction specifications and in accordance with the accepted standards on the internet, automatically records some information. The reasons for recording relate to:
  • Timely diagnosis and automatic resolution of problems
  • Collection of demographic information
  • Successful management of the online store services

  • This information is anonymous (not personally identifiable) and includes the domain names and/or I.P. addresses of the browsers visiting the online store, the date and time of the visit, and other (always) non-personalized identifiable information.


    A cookie is a small piece of data sent to the I.P. addresses of the customer's browsers from a web server and stored on the hard drive of the customer's computer. Cookies do not cause damage to the customer's computer system and do not affect its functionality. Cookies also make web navigation easier for the customer, saving their settings. The online store uses cookies to provide specialized services and content that covers the interests of the customer. The above cookies do not contain personally identifiable information. Most browsers automatically accept cookies, but the customer usually has the option to set their browser to prevent them. Even without a cookie, the customer can use most of the services of
    At, the user has the ability to set and save their preferences regarding Cookies, in the Footer in the Cookies Settings field.

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